• Lifestyle

    Things to Do After Quarantine Restrictions are Lifted

    Over year ago, the COVID pandemic resulted in shutdowns all around the world. We were quarantined in our homes doing everything from work to school to avoid being exposed to COVID. COVID also meant we did not get to do some important things that are crucial to our mental and physical health. Now COVID restrictions are starting to loosen up, it is time to do some important things you may not have been able to do in the last year. Things you need to do after quarantine restrictions are lifted include: Visit your doctor. Visit your dentist. Visit a loved one. Spoil yourself. Get some fresh air. As we slowly…

  • Someone being nosy

    How to Mind Your Business

    For many its human nature to always be consumed with the need to be in others folks business. The internet and social media have made it a lot harder to be less concerned about what others are doing at all times of the day. If you really want to live your life to the fullest you need to learn how to mind your business. Mind your business by: Paying attention to boundaries Avoiding gossip Limiting the media you consume Accepting people don’t have to tell you their business Focusing on yourself Identifying the risk involved in getting in business that is not yours The quality of your life can be…

  • Meditation
    Health + Wellness

    Can Meditation Change Your Life?

    Meditation is a tool for wellness that is proven to change us both physically and mentally. Meditation interrupts a continuous conversation we have with ourselves which is usually negative. Can meditation change your life? Meditation can change your life by: Increasing your attention span resulting in a more disciplined mind Better control over your emotions Increased self-awareness A more peaceful life Improves your self-confidence Reduces overthinking and stress Let’s dig a little deeper into how meditation can change your life forever. Increased attention span Meditation can change your life by resulting in a more disciplined mind, also known as an increased attention span. Meditation allows you to manage your thoughts…

  • Productive

    How To Be More Productive When You Are Alone

    Spending time alone with yourself can be one of the most relaxing and productive things you can do, however, using your time alone to be more productive can be easier said than done. You can set a path to get the most out of yourself when you are alone. Are you ready to get more productive?  You can be more productive when you are alone if you: Set goals Prioritize the day Limit social media  Take breaks  Find your inspiration  Do what works for you  Leave room to pivot  Find a way to enjoy the task  Reward yourself  Embrace the challenge Using these strategies can improve your productivity when you…

  • Lifestyle

    10 Reasons Why Life Begins at 40

    When you hit the age of 40 it’s a huge milestone into the next phase of life. Before 40 you’re learning life and making huge sacrifices trying to figure out who you are. At 40 the game has changed and you’re seasoned and ready. Why does life begin at 40 though?  10 reasons life begins at 40 are:  Solid and well established relationships Successful in business and / or career Financial security Live life on your own terms Increased attention on better health and wellness Well equipped to navigate difficult situations Accept yourself as you are You know your body A full catalog of life’s knowledge You know your purpose…

  • Do you always have to be the bigger person?

    Why Do I Always Have To Be The Bigger Person?

    Many times in life everyone is tested with difficult situations involving difficult people and how we respond impacts our lives instantly and can be lasting. There are moments you will advocate for yourself in the loudest voice possible and there are other times you will need to choose to be the bigger person and move beyond the moment. You are not required to rise above every moment every time and be the bigger person. Being the bigger person is not something done out of obligation but rather to free yourself of participating in negative behavior. Finding the right balance to identify when it’s appropriate to rise above the negativity and…

  • How to get out of bed motivated

    How to Get Out of Bed in the Morning Motivated

    Getting out of bed in the morning motivated can be one of the most difficult things for people to do, especially those who don’t consider themselves to be morning people. Starting the day motivated and ready to win can change your entire outlook for your day. But how do you get out of bed in the morning motivated?  Get out of bed in the morning motivated by:  Getting a good night sleep Waking up early Hydrating your body Doing some physical activity Setting daily goals Meditation Using music as a motivator  The morning can start off energizing and motivate you to accomplish everything that you set out to do for…

  • Happy woman smiling

    How to Stop Depending on People for Your Happiness

    Happiness is a feeling that once you capture it you know that you have it. Happiness is something that isn’t possessed by everyone but many seek to destroy it in others. It’s important to understand that being happy doesn’t have to involve other people. Stop depending on people for your happiness by learning to accept yourself, spending quality time with yourself, and removing or limiting your time on social media. Doing those things each day leads to an improvement in the quality of your life and truly brings you sustained happiness. Why others can’t give you happiness When you depend on other people for your happiness it takes control from…

  • Woman in doubt
    Health + Wellness

    How to Stop Being Insecure

    Everyone has suffered from an issue with confidence. Insecurity happens because all of us have dreams and fears that either paralyze or motivate us each day. How do you quiet the voices of doubt in your head and be secure in your talents and abilities? The way to stop being insecure is to validate and reinforce your value, face the fears and criticisms of the past and present, accept difficulties and failures, surround yourself with good people, and stop caring about what others think about you.  How could life be different if you really believed in yourself? What would your life really be if you really believed that everything that…

  • Black Superwoman Myth
    Health + Wellness

    How the Myth of the Black Superwoman is Killing You

    The strong Black superwoman myth makes people believe you can abuse, oppress, and make Black women suffer as much as you want because we’ll get over it. Black women suffer in silence presenting to the world we’re strong and can handle any trauma or adversity but still rise to the top. We can do all things for all people except ourselves. The myth of the Black superwoman can kill you by holding on to the stereotype instead of loving yourself unconditionally, getting therapy, advocating for yourself, and listening to your body. The judgement of society can become a movie we play on a continuous loop in our daily lives. Holding…