• When is the best time to do fasted cardio?
    Health + Wellness

    What’s the Best Time of Day to Do Fasted Cardio

    Fasted cardio is when you increase your heart rate on an empty stomach to encourage your body to burn stored energy. Fasted cardio is best done in the morning after not eating for 8 to 12 hours. Cardio is one of the central keys to a fitness program, however, the type of cardio can make a difference. Fasted cardio helps burn calories and tricks the body into burning fat for energy instead of burning the food that you would’ve just consumed. It helps to build up the body over time with a steady low intensity that can result in the maximum benefit. Can I do fasted cardio anytime of the…

  • Alone time

    How to Find Time for Yourself During COVID

    It’s been five months since COVID-19 started to change how all of us live our daily lives. It stopped the daily schedule of wake up, go to work, go home, eat dinner, rinse and repeat.  Since summer 2020 has officially been canceled, everyone is home so its tough to get ME time. Is it even possible to get ME time in the age of COVID? The answer is YES!!!!! Carving out time for yourself has to be prioritized and planned like any other important activity. A house full of people allows for some creative opportunities to develop new and interesting ways to get quality time alone. Manage your space Make…