
All things lifestyle related.

  • How to Live Life
    Health + Wellness,  Lifestyle

    Living for the Gram: How to Start Living for You and Not for Likes

    Social media is everywhere, and everyone is telling their own personal story on a continuous loop that can be accessed anytime of the day. In the beginning, social media was a way to connect with the world, however, now it has become a place full of fantasies and unachievable expectations. Many of us have gotten caught up in the cycle of trying to keep up with the lives we see online, but we do not realize we are chasing ghosts. Taking the time to create and promote an online life stops you from living a real life. You are consumed with obtaining likes and comments instead of consuming yourself with…

  • Never settle for less than you deserve

    Six Reasons Not to Settle for Less Than What You Deserve

    Many of us spend years chasing our goals and dreams but sometimes difficult situations and obstacles can change our mindset in ways that change our focus. We accept the reality that things we wanted out of our lives have not materialized because of the choices we did make or chose not to make. Then, we settle for whatever our lives are at that moment and possibly give up on all the things we told ourselves that we wanted. Settling for less than what you want and deserve is a recipe for mediocrity. Six reasons not to settle for less than what you deserve are: It is a waste of time.…

  • Lifestyle

    Things to Do After Quarantine Restrictions are Lifted

    Over year ago, the COVID pandemic resulted in shutdowns all around the world. We were quarantined in our homes doing everything from work to school to avoid being exposed to COVID. COVID also meant we did not get to do some important things that are crucial to our mental and physical health. Now COVID restrictions are starting to loosen up, it is time to do some important things you may not have been able to do in the last year. Things you need to do after quarantine restrictions are lifted include: Visit your doctor. Visit your dentist. Visit a loved one. Spoil yourself. Get some fresh air. As we slowly…

  • Say No Without Guilt

    How to Say NO and Not Feel Guilty

    The word no can be one of the hardest words to use in personal or professional situations. Saying the word, no, can be liberating and display a feeling of independence and freedom. Being free to say no without guilt is a necessary skill that is needed to avoid the burden of self-doubt and guilt because you want to decline an invitation. But how do you say no and not feel guilty? Say no and not feel guilty by: Being concise. Being clear. Being kind. Not offering an explanation. Offering an alternative. We can get so caught up in our head about how the other person interprets the word no, but…

  • Reasons you need a mentor
    Career + Business,  Lifestyle

    Reasons You Need a Mentor

      Setting goals and reaching them includes identifying the tools necessary to increase your probability of success. A mentor, also known as a coach, is an important tool that may help you reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. But why do you need a mentor? Reasons you need a mentor include: Accountability for your decisions Increases your confidence Successful people have mentors Learn the unknown Learn things from other people and their experiences Learn to be more strategic Increase probability of success Observe and duplicate what they do Inspires you when times are tough Help avoid costly mistakes Has connections you don’t have Offers an unbiased point of view…

  • Someone being nosy

    How to Mind Your Business

    For many its human nature to always be consumed with the need to be in others folks business. The internet and social media have made it a lot harder to be less concerned about what others are doing at all times of the day. If you really want to live your life to the fullest you need to learn how to mind your business. Mind your business by: Paying attention to boundaries Avoiding gossip Limiting the media you consume Accepting people don’t have to tell you their business Focusing on yourself Identifying the risk involved in getting in business that is not yours The quality of your life can be…

  • How to be ready for an opportunity
    Career + Business,  Lifestyle

    How to Be Prepared for an Opportunity

    More times than I can remember I’ve been presented with an opportunity that I wasn’t prepared to explore. Some say an opportunity is when luck meets preparation, so it’s important to be ready to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves. Some people wonder how to be prepared for an opportunity but aren’t always sure where to start. Ways to be prepared for an opportunity are to: Know what you want Know what’s necessary to get it Learn something new Network with other people Practice so you’re ready Have samples of your work Be fearless The steps you take to prepare for an opportunity can vary depending on the…

  • Productive

    How To Be More Productive When You Are Alone

    Spending time alone with yourself can be one of the most relaxing and productive things you can do, however, using your time alone to be more productive can be easier said than done. You can set a path to get the most out of yourself when you are alone. Are you ready to get more productive?  You can be more productive when you are alone if you: Set goals Prioritize the day Limit social media  Take breaks  Find your inspiration  Do what works for you  Leave room to pivot  Find a way to enjoy the task  Reward yourself  Embrace the challenge Using these strategies can improve your productivity when you…

  • Woman happy and unbothered

    10 Signs Your Friend Is Jealous Of You

    A friend is someone you have a mutual affection or special bond. Friends are human and they have feelings too and sometimes those feelings aren’t easy to admit. Feelings of jealousy and resentment are normal but what someone does with those feelings is important. How do you know if a friend is jealous?  Your friend may be jealous of you if they are:  Happy to see your pain Comparing you in a negative way Excluding you on purpose Trying to hurt you on purpose Gossiping about you Ignoring you when you try to speak Joking about you in a bad way Angry or annoyed at you randomly Always trying to…

  • Lifestyle

    10 Reasons Why Life Begins at 40

    When you hit the age of 40 it’s a huge milestone into the next phase of life. Before 40 you’re learning life and making huge sacrifices trying to figure out who you are. At 40 the game has changed and you’re seasoned and ready. Why does life begin at 40 though?  10 reasons life begins at 40 are:  Solid and well established relationships Successful in business and / or career Financial security Live life on your own terms Increased attention on better health and wellness Well equipped to navigate difficult situations Accept yourself as you are You know your body A full catalog of life’s knowledge You know your purpose…