
Mijobu – Learn more about us!

Mijobu began as a personal journey into a different way of living because so much time was spent living but not much time was spent on my personal growth and care. I decided to place more emphasis on what I needed first before I could provide any piece of myself to anyone else. Aging makes you look at the quality of your entire life.

Not only did I realize I needed to place more emphasis on me, I found that so many of the women in my life had the same struggle. It’s easy to do a quick pamper me session but to consistently plan time for yourself takes a real commitment and motivation. 

Over time I realized there were many people 40 and older looking for a way to improve their overall quality of life through health and wellness. This includes women and men. 

I started searching for a place online to find the motivation to not only focus on spending more time pampering myself, but I also found great opportunities to grow in my career, improve my business, and strengthen my family. Other women deserved to have this growth too. 

Mijobu is a place for women  and men to find motivation and determination to push beyond obstacles to obtain and sustain a bountiful life. A place where empowered people can empower other people to dream big and know there’s an entire community rooting for their success. 




